Additional Support

Higher Education is for everyone, if you have additional support needs to help you study then you can find out more by following the links below.

Check out further information on:

Students with Disability

Higher Education is home to over 45,000 disabled students every year so they are well experienced in offering support. You can let the course provider know you have a physical or mental health condition, learning difficulty or long-term illness on your application but it is also advisable to contact them directly to discuss your needs as early as possible – before even putting in your application.

Care Experienced

Between financial and accommodation support and help with settling in, there is a wide range of support available to those who have experienced care.


Higher Education can provide those with caring responsibilities financial support and academic flexibility to help them achieve their goals.

Estranged Students

For learners who are no longer supported by their families due to a breakdown in the relationship there is support available, ranging from financial, accommodation and health & wellbeing.

Refugees & Asylum Seekers

If you are a refugee or asylum seeker that is considering applying to Higher Education you should always contact the course provider before applying to see if they can provide any support with finances or other needs.

Students from Armed Forces families

If you have one or both parents serving in the UK Armed Forces then you should notify the University to see what support is available and it is well worth explaining the skills and qualities your experience has developed in your personal statement.

Students from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities

If you are from the Gypsy, Roma or Traveller community background and thinking about university then there is support with making your application and the transition to a Higher Education environment.

If you have any questions or want advice you can get in touch.

If you have any questions or want advice you can get in touch.

Events & Activities

At Future U, we to offer a variety of outreach events and activities which are delivered by our central team and by our partners.


Please select Activities to view the range of talks and workshops that are available to book ad-hoc. Many activities can be delivered in school or virtually, are free of charge and are aligned to the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance.


Select Events to see find upcoming dates for university visit days, competitions, residentials and more.