Future U KICKS! Josh Taylor

Future U Kicks – Josh Taylor

Josh Taylor is a participant of our West View Kicks session and has been attending for over a year. In this time Josh has been on a journey, going from being a young, shy teenager playing footy with his mates – to becoming a volunteer coach on 2 of our programmes, and now studying on our PNE Education Programme with aspirations to work in Sport Development.

Josh’s Story

Josh was previously unsure if he would attend college and further his education once he left school, until he started to attend our Kicks sessions at West View Leisure Centre. Every Thursday and Saturday evening, between 20 and 30 children visit West View Leisure Centre to participate in a game of football with other like-minded teenagers and Josh was no different.

Since Josh’s first session with us, we could tell he was eager to get involved and help out with the coaches and the organisation of the sessions, however at first Josh was quite reserved and shy. After attending Kicks week after week Josh’s confidence grew massively and the coaches soon recognised how much he had come on. Josh then asked if he could complete his work experience through PNE community and we gave him that opportunity.

During Josh’s week of work experience with us, he took part in all different aspects of our community programmes, including PL Kicks, PL Primary Stars and PNE Holiday Camps. As a result of his Work Experience, Josh ended up becoming a weekly volunteer coach at our Callon Kicks session and on our Holiday Activity Camps.

Where is Josh Now?

Josh has now joined to our education programme to complete an ‘OCR Level 3 Technical Diploma in Sport’. Josh’s education consists of classroom learning and training and matches representing Preston North End. Josh has made it as a regular starting 11 player in our A team. His studies are going well and he is a well-liked a respected student in and out of the classroom. Before joining Kicks as a participant, Josh was unsure what career path he wanted to pursue. Josh is now hoping to continue his education and eventually gain full time employment in sports coaching and development, all thanks to Kicks.

“I first met Josh at a Premier League Kicks Session, after speaking to Josh and getting to know him better over the weeks, it was very clear to see he had a keen interest in sport and especially in football. He often expressed his desire to one day potentially pursue a career in Sports Coaching/Development, and that he was interested in doing his upcoming work experience placement with us at PNEFC.

During his work experience placement it was a pleasure to see Josh get to experience what it was like to work with a professional Football Club and to get involved in all the various projects that we run within the community. I really believe that his involvement in the various sessions within schools and the wider community gave him the opportunity to see what is was like to lead a session from a coaching point of view rather than as a participant. Throughout the week is was evident that Josh was beginning to get more confident in himself, to the point he would offer instruction to participants without being asked to do so.

Since Josh has completed his placement, he has continued to be involved in numerous projects within the community, he always has a fantastic attitude and is never shy to get involved and aid the development of all participants.” – Rob Taylor, PL Kicks coach


“We feel as parents that since Joshua started Kicks he has become more confident in himself also his knowledge of football has grown. We feel that Kicks, the coaching on Fridays and also the time Joshua spent doing his school work experience has helped Joshua not only in all of the above but it has helped him to realise what he wants to do when he leaves school. Which is to become a football coach and coach children with disabilities. He enjoys his work with you very much and we are very grateful of the opportunity that you have given him” –  Josh’s Mum and Dad

Josh has settled in really well to both academic and practical. Josh is becoming more confident in the classroom in relation to his studies, meeting all deadlines significantly and is a model student in the classroom. On the pitch Josh has great technical ability and is learning how to adapt from Kicks to 11-a-side football in relation to positioning and shape. Overall Josh is an excellent student who gives 100 per cent on whatever he does” – Zac Clark, Josh’s tutor

Josh hasn’t ever had any nailed down aspirations in his life, he just knows he loves football. By partaking in Kicks, he now has focus and structure in his life. He is participating in an inspiring and challenging environment where he can flourish and grow. He has made new friends and built confidence in various different ways. He has been guided to realise his potential and as a result is continuing his education and realises he needs this to continue on his path to a job in sport. This project has had a huge impact on this individual and will continue to do so for many others to come.

Events & Activities

At Future U, we to offer a variety of outreach events and activities which are delivered by our central team and by our partners.


Please select Activities to view the range of talks and workshops that are available to book ad-hoc. Many activities can be delivered in school or virtually, are free of charge and are aligned to the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance.


Select Events to see find upcoming dates for university visit days, competitions, residentials and more.