Lancashire Science Festival

Lancashire Science Festival

The University of Central Lancashire once again hosted the Lancashire Science Festival in June 2017 which welcomed thousands of pupils, teachers, parents and members of the public to experience the wonders of science!

The Science Festival proved to be a massive success and is growing year on year. Visitors had the chance to take part in interactive demonstrations, workshops and lectures exploring all things science, technology, engineering, maths and much more. Schools were invited to visit on Thursday 28th and Friday 30th June and festival opened its doors to the public on Saturday 1st July.

The Future U Team held an interactive stall which allowed visitors to take part in hands-on activities that included 3D Pens, The Velociraptor rollercoaster and a Robotic Arm challenge. Each activity linked to a key sector skill area, as identified by the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership.

Visitor economy is one of the areas identified as a future driver of wealth and economy in Lancashire and so we designed our Future U rollercoaster ‘The Velociraptor’. Visitors were tasked with working out the speed and velocity of the rollercoaster which had two separate tracks. Through conversations with young people we were able to break down preconceptions of what jobs in visitor economy look like, and how to get there.

If you are interested in attending the Lancashire Science Festival in 2018 then please visit and subscribe to the mailing list to be the first to receive festival updates. Future U will be returning in 2018 to showcase more exciting activities linking sector growth areas across Lancashire!

Events & Activities

At Future U, we to offer a variety of outreach events and activities which are delivered by our central team and by our partners.


Please select Activities to view the range of talks and workshops that are available to book ad-hoc. Many activities can be delivered in school or virtually, are free of charge and are aligned to the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance.


Select Events to see find upcoming dates for university visit days, competitions, residentials and more.