The U
Welcome to The U homepage.
This page is full of bonus content related to the 5 chapters of The U.
It’s been designed to help you complete the activities and make sure you get the most out of each section.
As you work through the book, you can come back to this page at any time using the links or QR codes at the start of each chapter. If you want to know more about who we are, check out the Future U homepage, the About Us section and follow us on social media – Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Before you get started, here’s a quick video from Oliver explaining how to use The U:
1. Facing Challenges
How to Plot Your Career
Before starting the Facing Challenges chapter, watch this short introduction from Caerys
If you’re struggling to complete your mind map for the Identifying Challenges task on page 7, check out the example below to get some ideas

To find out more about The Belief Cycle from page 10, here’s an article explaining the origins and how to implement it into your daily life
Watch this inspirational TEDTalk from the amazing Kylie Pilkinton who has overcome the challenges of physical and cognitive disabilities to achieve her goals
2. Showing Character
Before starting the Showing Character chapter, watch this short introduction from Caerys
Knowing what job you want to do if often only half of the battle. To get the best possible start in your career and make sure it is something you could do for many years to come, you need
to understand the labour market.
It can be a daunting prospect looking at some of this data, especially when it can potentially affect your future.
There are, thankfully, lots of websites that help break this information down into more useful and interesting sections. Here is what you should be looking for:
Other useful and easy to use resources for labour market information include;
Will there be jobs in the future?
Knowing if this job might exist in the future is really important. Do you want to start on a long career path (for example, the 7 years it takes to become an architect) if there might not be a job there when you finish?
Do people usually work full or part-time?
This is important to know for a similar reason. Will you be able to work full time when you qualify? That would affect how much you could earn.
What is the gender split?
It is important not to be put off by historical gender bias in jobs. Many employers are striving for equality and you could help be a part of this change!
What is the average pay?
Another important one, how much will you get paid? If you have planned for a specific lifestyle, you need to know your chosen pathway will help you achieve it. We know not every career choice revolves around money but it is an important factor when choosing a career path.
3. Dealing with Change
Before starting the Dealing with Change chapter, watch this short introduction from Caerys
Here is Caerys giving a few hints and tips on how to complete the activities in this chapter
Watch this video to find out 3 practical tips for dealing with change and handling transitions in your life
Mind is a charity that promotes better mental health for everybody. This article has some simple tips for understanding your feelings better and how to get more support
Mind are always looking to offer young people opportunities to shape the conversation around mental health. You can gain some great experience volunteering as part of their Youth Voice Network and get your voice heard
4. Being in Control
To find out more about that Healthy Mind Platter task on page 28, here’s an article with practical tips to ensure you’re keeping your mind healthy.
Here’s Dan Siegel, the creator of the Healthy Mind Platter, explaining it himself
When choosing to be disciplined to reach your goal, it’s all about making small regular improvements to your life to help you improve. From 2007 onwards, David Brailsford used this method to turn the Great British cycling team into the most the successful team in the history of the sport. Here is a video explaining the “1% factor” and how you can make small changes to achieve big goals
Here is a 1 min quick video explaining the Johari’s Window task on page 32
To get a more in-depth explanation of the Johari’s Window task, this video explains how to use the model with lots of great, clear examples to help you complete your own window
5. Making Choices
Before starting the Making Choices chapter, watch this short introduction from Jess
If you’re struggling to think of a career goal or you’re still not sure what your skills and abilities are, try taking one of these career quizzes to help you get a better idea.
The answers from the quiz won’t make your decision for you, but it will help you narrow down your options to the things you’re passionate about or that match your personality and skills.
The Future U team are a great example of the different pathways you can take towards your career. On this video, 6 members of our team explain their unique pathways through college, university and apprenticeships and how they made those big decisions

If you have any questions or want advice you can get in touch.
If you have any questions or want advice you can get in touch.